Built for

who is this for?

  • Counseling Team
  • Support Staff
  • Administration Team

  • Clinical Professionals
  • Healthcare Professionals

Unite Your Team's Strengths on a Single Platform for Seamless Collaboration and Enhanced Productivity

group of people sitting together and using their laptops

Explore the Distinct Advantages Our Solution Offers to Clients, Therapists, and Team Managers

As a centre Owner/Manage you can manage your ...

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the manage your organization page
    Organization Setup

    Simplify how your workspace runs with tools that help you easily set up and manage everything, ensuring smooth operations from the get-go.

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the organization members page
    Team Members & Permissions

    Take charge of who's involved and what they can do, all made simple. Manage your team effortlessly and define roles and responsibilities without hassle.

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the add new service page
    Services, Payments & Rooms

    Seamlessly manage your services, easily handle payments, and organize spaces without a hitch, ensuring a smooth and effective client experience.

The therapists within your centre manage their ...

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the set your schedule page
    Availability & Booking

    Effortlessly manage your availability and appointments with easy scheduling tools that ensure smooth client interactions

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the clients page
    Clients & Client Data

    Efficiently handle client data and interactions with user-friendly tools that keep your client relationships organized

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the chat page
    Chat, Tasks & Files

    Stay connected with clients, manage tasks, and store important files effortlessly using intuitive communication tools

Your Clients will have access to ...

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the client booking page
    Therapist Booking Page

    Clients can conveniently book therapy sessions via a dedicated page designed for hassle-free appointment scheduling

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the client's dashboard page
    Client Dashboard

    Clients stay informed about their therapy journey with a dedicated dashboard that allows them to monitor appointments, messages, and progress

  • Screenshot of SafeTalk platform showcasing the notifications page
    Auto Reminders

    Clients are supported by automatic reminders, ensuring they never miss an appointment and stay well-informed

What therapists say about SafeTalk

  • Sara Au picture
    caracara logo

    “I wholeheartedly recommend SafeTalk to fellow mental healthcare practitioners. Their commitment to excellence, user-friendly features, and exemplary customer service make it an essential resource for our practice at Cara Cara. SafeTalk has not only met but exceeded our expectations, and I am confident it will do the same for anyone seeking a comprehensive and reliable practice management solution for their mental health practice”

    Sara Au

    Co-founder of Cara Cara

  • Nilufar Imomdodova picture
    varthim logo

    “SafeTalk is a key to solving management issues conveniently. Now, we are able to keep track of all our current and past clients as well as automatically notifies them before the scheduled session which saves time from creating tens of spreadsheets and documents. Thank you SafeTalk”

    Nilufar Imomdodova

    Co-founder of Varthim

30 days Free Trial

Want to give our platform a try? Sign up here for our 30 days free trial. No credit card required. Cancel your account anytime

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