Data Privacy

Why should you care about
your Data Privacy?

Think of data privacy like a diary with a lock. Just as you keep your personal thoughts in your diary, good data privacy lets you control who can access the information in it

In therapy, clients and therapists share a lot of personal and confidential information. It’s highly crucial to guard this data, because it's yours, and only you should be able to control its privacy

Why does
SafeTalk care
about my Data Privacy?

purple vector line

We do recognize that Personal Health Information (PHI) is highly sensitive and requires complete safeguarding. By combining our technological expertise with our mission to "Digitize Mental Health the Right Way", we invest substantial resources to ensure Your Data is well guarded!

Our commitment to data privacy goes beyond compliance; it's about fostering a trusted space where therapists and clients can confidently engage in their therapy journey without the worry of data breaches or misuse.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule

On SafeTalk your Personal Health Information (PHI) data is stored in accordance with HIPAA privacy rule standards, which comprehensively safeguard your data privacy across three key areas

Technical Safeguards: We ensure that data is fully encrypted at rest (AES-256 encryption) and in transfer(SSL encryption) on SafeTalk to prevent any external data breaches

Administrative Safeguards: Our internal organizational structure implements strict rules and regulations to safeguard your data from unauthorized misuse

3rd Party Data Access: We strictly prohibit access to PHI data to any third-party software or organization where patient privacy is not strictly maintained

End-to-end Data Encryption

End-to-end encryption works like sending a letter filled with coded text. The contents of the message are only decoded once delivered to the intended recipient, thus ensuring any data remains private and secure from unauthorized access both during transfer(using SSL encryption) & when at rest(AES-256 encryption)

How do you see your data

How your data is stored

We prioritize the safety of Personal Health Information(PHI) above all and empower you by providing you with a safe & secure digital space. Together, we can make SafeTalk a trusted platform for everyone's Mental Health journey