Therapist Resources

WhatsApp Reminders: Most Effective Channel for Client Outreach

3 min read

Cut no-shows with WhatsApp reminders! Our new feature sends automated session reminders to clients via WhatsApp, where messages have a 98% open rate.

According to Meta official reports(source), messages sent through WhatsApp have 98% open rate. That’s 4 times higher than emails(only 20% open rate), and even higher than SMS(~90% according to various sources)

As a Therapy Centre or an Individual Therapist, finding a most effective way to remind clients about upcoming sessions can help reduce the number of session cancellations & no-shows. But it’s a tedious work to spend 15 minutes a day(which can add up to 10 hours per month of your working time) just to remind 3 to 5 clients a day that they have an upcoming session.

But if you are a therapist already using or planning to use SafeTalk in the future, we have just the best news for you. We have recently launched our automated WhatsApp Reminders.

So, how does it work?

Say you have an upcoming session on your SafeTalk account.

Exactly 24 hours prior to the session starting time, an automated WhatsApp message is sent to your Client’s WhatsApp Account/Number.

…and voila. Your client is reminded about their upcoming session & session details via the highest engagement channel.

How to add a Client’s WhatsApp number on SafeTalk?

Login to your SafeTalk account and on left sidebar, select “My Clients”. Click the “History” button on the Client who’s WhatsApp number you want to edit

  • Click the pen/edit button on top right corner of where you see the Client Details
  • You will see a “Contact No” field. Add your client’s Contact Number in the input box. Select the country code and add the contact number
  • Toggle the “Verify Contact Number” slider button (this button must be toggled for the Client to receive WhatsApp messages)
  • Scroll down a bit and hit the “Update Client Details” button to save the changes
  • Sometimes, when you want to edit the Client Contact Number, there may already be an existing contact number there. That means the Client has added their contact number during their sign up
  • You only need to confirm that the Contact Number entered is correct & toggle the “Verify Contact Number” button, so they will start receiving the WhatsApp automated reminders

Note: Clients can only enter their contact number at when completing their profile, they can’t verify their number/opt-in for WhatsApp reminders. Therapists must toggle the “Verify Contact Number” button to opt-in the Client for WhatsApp Reminders

Which account will the WhatsApp reminders will be sent from?

WhatsApp reminders to the Client’s WhatsApp Account are sent from SafeTalk’s official WhatsApp Notifications Account.

  • SafeTalk’s official Notifications Channel is an outbound only channel(means it can only send messages and not receive them)

Important: The contents of the reminder message, includes a notice that prompts the client to login into their SafeTalk account to make any changes to their session.


  • Due to HIPAA & SafeTalk’s data Privacy Standards, no names or other personal details will be shared within the contents of the WhatsApp message
  • However, the message content will include your Centre/Organization name. (example: “From MyTherapyCentre: You have an upcoming session….“)

Important Information

  • If you would like to implement this feature on your account, do reach to our team at
  • This feature is a paid ADD-ON and will not be available to those subscribed to our Basic Membership
  • The pricing for this add-on is based on purchase of bulk messages per month(i.e 50/100/200 messages per month)
  • The unutilized messages will expire at the end of the month and are not to be carried forward to the next month
  • Bulk messages can be purchased and utilized on
    • Organizational Level(used by every therapist within the organization)
    • Single therapist under an Organization(utilized by a single therapist within an organization)
    • Individual Therapist Accounts
  • For more info, reach out to our team at

About Author

Shavkat Aslamshoev profile image
Shavkat Aslamshoev Co-Founder @ SafeTalk. Believes in the Power of Technology to Enhance Mental Health. Accredited Mental Health First Aider, HIPAA Security & HIPAA Awareness for Business Associates Certified.

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