Resources For Therapists

How to Set Up Online and In-Person Appointment Rooms in SafeTalk

2 min read

A guide to adding rooms where you hold appointments, whether in person or online on SafeTalk

Table of Contents

    SafeTalk Rooms are a feature that allows therapists to manage the locations where their appointments take place. Whether you’re conducting in-person sessions in an office or holding virtual consultations online, you can create and organize rooms within SafeTalk to simplify your scheduling and session management.

    Below is the guide for adding & managing Room on SafeTalk

    Creating a new room

    1. Login to your SafeTalk Account
    2. Click on Management on the menu sidebar & select the Rooms tab

    Create a Physical Room for in-person sessions

    • Click the “Add New Room” button at the top right & select Physical Room
    • Fill up the relevant room information (Name, Address, Notes, Images) & click on Create New Room.
    • (For Organization Accounts Only): If you are registered as an organization, you’ll have an option to assign this room to selected members of your team. This gives you additional control to limit the therapist’s room access, especially if you are managing multiple locations & rooms

    Create an Online Room for virtual Sessions

    • Click the “Add New Room” button at the top right & select Custom Online Room
    • Fill up the relevant room information
    • Custom Online Rooms allow you to integrate with Google Meet/Zoom/Doxy or any other 3rd party provider. Below are separate articles on how you can use a third party Conferencing tool for managing your online sessions:

    Integrate with Doxy

    Integrate with Zoom

    Integrate with Google Meet

    • click on Create New Room and your virtual room is ready!

    Next, you will see them room under Location when booking a session with your Clients. Simply select the room & you client will be immediately informed on where the session is taking place.

    Important: update your Booking Schedule and assig your rooms, to allow clients to make appointments with you.

    About Author

    Shavkat Aslamshoev profile image
    Shavkat Aslamshoev Co-Founder @ SafeTalk. Believes in the Power of Technology to Enhance Mental Health. Accredited Mental Health First Aider, HIPAA Security & HIPAA Awareness for Business Associates Certified.

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