Let's Talk About It Podcast

Man Up or Open Up?: A Conversation on Men’s Mental Health

1 min read

Deep down, we can all sense the cracks. The traditional model of masculinity, where men are expected to be emotionless stoics, just doesn’t work anymore. So, what should we do now?

Toxic masculinity can trap men in a cycle of emotional suppression. But how can we empower men to prioritize their mental health if we don’t even understand healthy masculinity?

That’s why the latest episode of the “Let’s Talk About It” podcast by SafeTalk features Prof. Maurizio Rosini, a men’s coach and founder of MyMasterMan. Prof. Rosini offers a unique perspective informed by his experience and countless stories from men on their mental health journeys.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Personal insights: Prof. Rosini shares his motivation and experiences working in men’s mental health.
  • Breaking the stigma: He tackles the challenges and stigma surrounding men seeking help.
  • Building bridges: Prof. Rosini explores societal and cultural barriers to men prioritizing their well-being.

Don’t miss the full conversation! Listen now on our YouTube channel:

You can also listen to it on Spotify:

Or even Apple Podcast!:

About Author

Fawza Maisarah profile image
Fawza Maisarah Social Media Manager @ SafeTalk and host of the 'Let's Talk About It' Podcast, passionate about raising mental health awareness through content creation on SafeTalk's social platforms.

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